P47D Thunderbolt Top Flite. Asking price 50$
email: rtaziar@xplornet.com
Top Flite P-51 Mustang complete with
Scratch built P-51 Mustang complete with
OS 120 engine and retracts.
Dynaflite P- 51 Mustang complete with 80 four
Jap Zero complete with OS 90 two stroke.
Piper Cub complete with floats.
Scratch built Douglas Dauntless Complete with
chain saw engine.
Liberty Sport complete with OS 60
Fleet Finch complete with chain saw engine.
Tote Box with power panel and fuel pump.
Royal Power Panel, battery monitor tester, heat
sealing iron, Mark X fuel pump, electric starter,
Ace R/C Digipace II charger, a starter on wheels for
large engines, 7 radios, servos, retracts spinners,
props, fuel tanks, wheels, canopies gas engines and
hobby tools.
For more information, phone Fred Schmidt
@ 519-621-3537.